Sunday, May 1, 2016

Pushing Beyond Our Limits

A group of ladies gathered at "Painting with A Twist" one Sunday and painted a beautful beach scene.  Each, in their own way, found their creative side, they dipped their paint brush in paint and colored a pure white canvas. 

At the end of the 3 hour paint session they all had created somethng beautful which began from within.  We all had our moments of weakness when one paint stoke didn't feel right, or a cloud wasn't what we thought it should look like, yet once the paint hit the canvas and we stepped back and reviewed what we had done, we realized, and started to see the perfection in it all.  

The not so great stuff, was exactly as it needed to be.  The aspects of the painting we felt good about, were better than we had thought. The beauty within each woman shined in their paintings.  We did it!  We painted a work of art and we did it as an experience together, laughing and struggling through the difficult moments.

Painting pushes people out of their comfort zone.  But, yet, there is an unmistakable rush when we do uncomforable things.  It helps stretch our boundaries. 

Our paint class aligns with the bigger picture of life.  There is always beauty and perfection in the things we perceive to be imperfect chaos.  The days that do not seem fulfilling, often contain opportunities for goodness and enlightenment. Our positive vibrations are always willing to shine when they are not discounted by negative vibrations. 

When life does not feel good, pushing through that particular stoke of life, alleviates the uneasiness and clarity quickly follows.  Our difficult choices suddenly become easier to make, because our natural instincts take over.  Our boundaries are re-established. 

There are days I wake up thinking my day will go one way, and I may feel uneasy about what lies ahead.  I embrace those feelings and allow the day to  unfold naturally.   When my head and heart are conflicted, I naturally allow my heart's desires to lead the way and my uneasiness disapaetes.  

That gut feeling people speak of is actually our heart sinking.  It's a sign that our actions are not aligned with our hearts true intent.  

When we continue to discount our hearts desires, we are not caring for ourselves, we become sad and soon after depressed.  It snowballs into a cycle of despair.   However, when we follow our intended path, listening to our inner voice, we trust ourselves with care and joys kicks in.  It's a myriad of good feelings, there is love and there is easiness. 

The picture is painted and we can step back and see the perfection life truly has to offer, from inside ourselves to the current circumstances of our life.  Is there something you'd like to change?  Than make the change.  Are there things you would like to enhance? Than make those choices to enhance your life.  Your good intentions are the first step to picking up the brush and painting a beautiful life. 

And once you have painted it, you can white wash it and start all over again.   How miraculous is that? 

                                When we continue to create we are choosing our freedom.

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