Saturday, March 22, 2014

Life - Unpredictable

Life is unpredictable.  It is in those times of instant change - we learn so much about what we are capable of enduring. It is how we choose to respond to change that ultimately defines us.......

We may take for granted that our lives will always stay the same.  We may think life is as good as it's going to get or that life can not get any worse.  We may feel we are resilient, indestructible and nothing will get in our way or challenge our strong resolve. 

This, however, is never the case.  The only guarantee we have in life is that it will change, and that change will come fast with full force.  It can never be prevented; the good and the bad, that life inevitably has in store for all of us!  

How we mange our change is an essential life long skill.  Experiencing our change in it's entirety creates a healthy transition while resistance will create instability and hardship.  

In other words, if the change is difficult, sad or hurtful, acknowledge those feelings, embrace and own them; accept, do not deny the difficult emotions.  

Then set them free. 

If the change is GOOD, allow yourself to embrace all the joy and happiness. Celebrate the goodness in your life, you've earned it and deserve to be in life's good graces.  Don't let anyone steal your joy!  
I say this with experience.  I have had both good and bad, life impacting, changes in the pass three weeks. Three weeks ago, my mother passed away after 78 years of life.  It was a traumatic, life altering change for me.  One which felt like a sledge hammer slamming down on my life. 

One week after burying my mother, my niece was in a horrific car accident.  She was a pedestrian hit by three cars, (one was a hit and run).  My niece is still in the hospital recovering from multiple surgeries.  It is a sobering reality how precious life is.  

My niece's life was miraculously spared, however, she is still enduring her own life changes.  Her life has been impacted emotionally, spiritually and physically, her memories permanently altered. 

My sister's life was also turned upside down, with shock, fear, worry and now ultimately caring for her daughter.  She's been at her bedside through it all.  

In an instant, life's unpredictability forces you to stop, switch gears and move in an entirely different direction.  

My love is all I can give to support them.  I am grateful for their strength as my niece recovers. They both inspire me. 
In all this hardship, sprouted a nugget of goodness.  One week after my niece's accident I was offered an ideal job, close to home.  A brand new life awaited me and I had no idea.  I am now living and thriving as a working mother.  It is all positive and good for me, yet the change impacts my children and my husband.  

We are all managing well, considering how unpredictable our lives have been the last few weeks.  I am better, stronger and appreciative of every day, because in an instant everything can change. 

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