Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Staying True

I remember posting a blog entry every day when my family lived in a camper for almost a year.  It was such an awe inspiring time in my life.  I stopped blogging daily when we moved into our home in suburbia, as I felt my inspiration wasn't in tune with my day to day life any longer.  This, however, has changed.

I've taken on a new business endeavor, and I felt blogging would be a good outlet to share my journey, only because it makes the actual story more real and personal.  I expect to achieve success, yet when we reap the rewards of our successes, the journey often gets lost, and it is the details of the journey that make our success story so important and relevant.

The moments of doubt and fear are lost in the happiness of the prize at the very end.  We all see one another on social media or in our day to day lives and we have no idea what runs deep, underneath the happy smiles.

What is each person's true story?

I am going to start my own story all over again.  It will be intertwined with goodness and sadness.  It will be relevant to everyone, as we all have our own story, laced with a spectrum of emotions.  There are times when we care to share the bad, but often, we hide our fears, our struggles and our sadness. We move forward each day, knowing nothing about the darkness that lies within our own souls, trying desperately to peak it's tiny monster head.  It is this hidden darkness that destroys us from the inside out.

Many of us have a happy disposition, a facade of goodness and sunny cheer.  Are these people truly joyful or are they wearing a mask to hide the pain they hold deep inside?  This pain is hard to recognize when still waters run deep.

These are cynical words, I know this - but the truth hides nothing.  The truth reveals all the good and all the bad.  The truth is a mirror of what truly is.

I will share both.  There are good, happy days.  But, there are also the days when we are not sure what the future holds, and this is okay.  I smile with satisfaction as this statement contains raw sincerity, dripping with intent.

I am, in general a happy person, however, at this time in my life, there are events that have altered my happiness.  I've had moments when I questioned my current life choices, but I turn inward and remind myself I have a family, that I cherish, and a good life with good people in it.

Isn't that enough?

This is what I want to uncover - the day to day - on a new journey - the days of hope - and the days when there is something other than hope.

I want you to join me, on this new journey I am choosing to embark on.  I will make it interesting and truthful every step of the way.

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