Thursday, August 6, 2015

Staying True to our Journey

Remaining true to our core beliefs and values can be difficult when it means we are forced to be honest with ourselves on how we feel about a particular person or situation. 

However in order to be true to our core, we must be open to our true selves allowing ourselves to be vulnerable, inviting opportunity for our emotions to be attacked.  I tend to protect myself, as most people naturally do after being hurt.  We all protect our hearts and our thoughts, as to not get torn down by others or have our own inner voice crushed.  

When we protect ourselves we limit our potential to receive and give true love.

Our instincts keep us aligned and aware of when we are being over protective, hindering our own growth or those that we love.  Our instincts are crucial in personal survival and keeping our instincts sharp can be difficult in our day to day activites when we want to give of ourselves in so many ways.  

For example, I work full time as a Financial Controller at a Daytona Beach FBO, I am a mom of two small boys, I am a wife, I am a friend, I am PTA Treasurer for my son's elementary school as well as his cub scout pack, and most recently I began my journey as a Rodan + Fields consultant.  

I choose all these things in my life and I love all of it, it is part of what I do.  However, I am also a woman with goals and desires, I am a writer, a traveler, an adventurer seeker, an event planner, a person who wants good things for those who are part of my life.  In order to maintain all these truths, I must stay centered in who I am, no matter what anyone else says or thinks of me. 

Our thoughts and instincts are our own. We can not allow others to discount them.  

I believe we all go through cycles of how we feel about ourselves and others in our lives. This paints pictures of conditional love, it generates hurt and pain and feelings of inadequacy.  We may feel unworthy at times or make someone we love feel unworthy.  

This is a cycle that must be broken, it begins with ourselves, it begins with our own perspective. 

I have personally pushed to reclaim my own self esteem over time, but at times I will still have feelings of extreme sensitivity and vulnerability on the inside.  This is okay when our core is stable and we are in sync with our hearts and minds desires.  This is what keeps us strong on the inside, while still keeping our hearts open to love.  

Reclaiming our natural desires to be a free spirit, to speak our truth and feel validated without controlling the outcome is an exceptional way to live and see the world around you.  We all have a tendency to want to force life, to jump ahead and try to make things be a certain way.  However, allowing life to unfold naturally, while still remaining true to who we are, gives us peace of mind, without worry, without compromising ourselves or our personal growth.  

I choose each day to reclaim my power in order to take care of my own spirit.  I choose to thrive and be whole by staying pure to my own truth.  When words or actions are used to ultimately try and tear me down, I give them no place in my world. This is my free spirit working it's magic. This is my intent and I see it working through my own children as they find their own place in this world.  I can see it in their eyes, their actions and the joy that they radiate to those around them.  

Please do not hinder my existence and try to make me someone I am not.

We all on are on a very different journey, yet our paths may cross.  We may connect or we may not.  We may even be close friends. I been told I like everyone, but I think my choose is to see the good in everyone and understand who they are respectfully.  When the good is diminished by negative thoughts or self serving agendas, I reevaluate and ask what is this person's true heart's desires and do they align with my own?  If our intent isn't aligned the person falls away naturally without harm. 

Our journeys are a tangled web of our past, present and future. We must all navigate together, not apart, while still being true to our spirits intent to live well.  

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