Sunday, October 4, 2015

Black Swan with a Heart

If I contact you it's because I see something in you, I know in my heart you can make a difference, have an impact.  You could change someone's life, because you have the same type of heart I saw in the others who are already in this business. There's a culture at Rodan and Fields and it's infectious. 

But let's talk about the beginning, let's discuss what's at the heart of the matter:

Black Swan Theory is a term used in business for companies that are not expected to succeed, but they surpass all the odds and find a brand new place in the market unexpectedly.

"The black swan theory or theory of black swan events is a metaphor that describes an event that comes as a surprise, has a major effect, and is often inappropriately rationalized after the fact with the benefit of hindsight. The theory was developed by Nassim Nicholas Taleb to explain:"
Examples of this in business are Amazon, Airbnb, Itsy. Often catastrophic events in history also fall under this title.

My own theory, is that these companies had a true heartfelt passion and surpassed expected success because they deserve and earned it.
A sense of empowerment and a gut feeling can take any person a long way.  Rodan + Fields as proven their success in a series of business choices that have lead to catastrophic growth in the past seven years.

Of course, not everyone may want to sell skincare products, but doesn't everyone want a better lifestyle, financial freedom and the ability to own their own time and life?  This is a universal gift of joy.

Rodan + Fields is a company that provides a vehicle to achieve dreams.  The choice is yours to own.  

I believe Rodan + Fields could potentially be a household name like 
Tuber-ware. What if you had the opportunity to  own a piece of Tuber-ware in their early years?

Everyone wants to feel good about how they look.  From soothing sensitive skin, to looking younger by preventing, masking or reducing wrinkles, or desires of clear, beautiful skin.  We all need protection from the sun, and the ability to reverse sun damage.

Every single person who takes care of themselves has a need for one of Rodan + Fields skincare products.  That's a lot of people in an untapped market.  There are many reasons to choose to be a consultant in an untapped market, if only to communicate what's available to those who have not yet heard.  This is a monumental task and this is why consultants are ready to both sell products and recruit new consultants.  The benefits are simply outstanding.

After attending convention, I saw a side of Rodan + Fields that went further than skincare and profits.  I saw a warm, human side of the people running the show.  The sincerity and down to earth attitude of the Doctors, Kathy and Katie, Board of Directors and VPs, was very apparent.

Reunions with loved ones were tear induced.  See photo of military husband, and a surprise reunion with his wife on her birthday at convention.  She had no idea he was being flown in.  Their story was precious. 

A women had an allergy attack at our Gala, and needed to be rushed to the hospital.  Our board member, Amnon Rodan, also husband of Kathy Rodan, laid down with the woman until help came. She was embarrassed and didn't want to leave, but he helped her feel safe until help arrived.  I was there and personally saw the ambulance arrive.  

These photos are keys of insight into what is at the heart of this company.  The photo at the very bottom is from the very first party I attended at convention, The Whiteout Party.  Again, Amnon Rodan is present giving his time to show, "Hey are all a team! Let's make a difference together." 

At Austin Convention - A Surprise Birthday Reunion
At Convention After Party - The Human connection goes further then, 'Are you Okay?"
Photo Op at Team White Party!  "We're all in this together!"

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