Thursday, February 4, 2016

In The Moment

It is 2016 and distractions in our everyday life become so hard to push away.  We miss out on so many little moments that make the bigger part of life less than fulfilling.

Acknowledgment of this void, is the first step.  Doing something to become more present in the moment is the second step.  How can we live our lives and not miss a single moment of goodness?

Releasing our worries, our physical ailments, our thoughts of clutter, concerns for the future.  What if we simply lived in the now, without any real concern for how the future will unfold?

"Our true nature of life is being one with our surroundings, anywhere and everwhere"

I often make plans without controlling the outcome and allow them to come together naturally.  

I often don't feel like going someplace, especially after a long day at work, but pushing forward, reminds me I'm continuing on the path intended.

Thinking I'm tired, I'm hungry, I'm stressed, makes us feel more of the same.  Maintaining a steady, moment to moment, I'm feeling good attitude does wonders for the physique.  I have everything I need in life.  I'm not sad or worried about anything.  Miraculously, life falls effortlessly into place.  You begin to notice little cincidences, chance meetings and good luck becomes a daily occurrence.  There's a manifestation of achievements that occurs.  People fall in and out of your life at just the right time, specifically when you need them and when they need you.

I can't explain how, I simply know what is.

Moment to moment; living with intent, but without control.  It's a spiritual life from the mundane.  It takes the drudgery away and keeps us smiling, laughing and lightheated.  It is soft and warm and without warning it will become habit. 

The best feeling to be is wholehearted, it allows everyone into a safe place, and intuitively we are peaceful within, and life is free of emptiness. 

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