Monday, June 23, 2014

Life Long Dreams

I awoke this morning with an overwhelming premonition.  It was about living in Costa Rica, one of my many dreams. 
This idea is one of those things that my husband and I toyed with after we vacationed in Costa Rica almost two years ago.  I am unsure the reasons why I awoke thinking about this, considering we haven't seriously put any plans into motion, but the concept still finds relevance in my psyche, therefore the dream has not faded away. 
I'm a firm believer that when a dream seed is planted it will continue to grow and be nourished with positive thoughts, a little at a time, and eventually we find ourselves living the dream as a reality. 
Many of my dreams, thoughts, wishes....have transformed into my reality.  I believe this is possible by following a simple recipe:  a sliver of faith, a glimmer of hope, a tad of motivation and a sprinkle of belief; cover it with your heart to keep the dream warm, and it will rise to the surface, when the timing is right. 
Never think "why?" Always think "why not?"
I am still practical by all means, but I constantly find myself making plans, on top of plans, on top of plans, all while nursing seeds for future lifestyle changes and with each success, those dreams grow larger and more vibrant.  
As I live my life in a current fabrication of a dream, I am fully aware that even the best dreams will come to an end, to leave room for new and different dreams.  Shouldn't this be what living life is all about?  And now I ponder, why not multiple dreams at a time? Is that greedy or silly to want so much in such a short lifetime?  
I don't really know what my future holds, but I am always open to the possibilities, I am open to those doors that may or may not open.  The older I get the more I come to realize that I have already lived a full life, but I have all these future lives to create, all the things I haven't had time to do yet.
Sometimes I wonder about my mom and if she felt she lived a fulfilling life and did everything she set out to do.  Did she have regrets in her last months, weeks, or days of her life?  Did she wish she had done more or was she content with her simplistic lifestyle?  
Experiencing the reality of death so close to home, naturally forced me to contemplate my own life.  Everyone is different and we all have personalities that drive us to do one thing or another.  My personality creates "the sky's the limit" perspective, that anything is possible, but I respect others are extremely happy with consistency and predictability of being content and stable. 
Some people are self proclaimed homebodies and love staying home with what is familiar. They have no desires to explore life any further than what they have already come to know.  I understand why people would prefer their safe haven.  I too appreciate my home. 
I personally had plenty of stability the first 20 years of my life, the second 20 years I would say were anything but stable, but they were dream fulfilling years.  The next twenty, I'm planning to evolve by fulfilling two and three dreams at a time, as to never feel I am running out of time, living my "life long dreams."

Dreams are like beauty, they are in the eye of the beholder.  My personal dreams include: (some are already fulfilled) traveling to many specific, exotic destinations, meeting the man of my dreams, becoming a mother, living in a beautiful home in an equally beautiful neighborhood, giving my children a decent, happy life, learning to love and care for myself, being a nicer person and a good friend, mother and wife.  Work in an ideal accoutant position with genuinely warm and  inspiring people. Temporally live in different parts of the world and expose my children to different cultures, travel the country in an RV, live minimalist, be self sufficient and live off the grid, kill and eat my own food, start a non-profit helping people, and travel to third world countries, help all those around me to fulfill their dreams by sharing whatever it takes to give them one or more ingredients to make it Happen.......why not?  Continue blogging, write a book, and find a following of like minded individuals.
I'm sure I left a few out, and many haven't been created yet, but the greatest thing about life long dreams is that they are always evolving, regenerating and forming a life I call my own. 

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