Friday, April 1, 2016

People Obsessed

As often as I try not to stare, or ease drop, or get into other people's business, people tend to fascinate me.  I watch and observe with wonder and imagine what makes them tick.  I intuitively absorb their essences and sincerely try to do so without judgement.   It is a delicate mental see-saw and hard to do, however with practice it gets easier. 

Yes, we all judge other people.  But, when we move from judgement to observation, it's a much more pleasant space to share ones thoughts. 

I have sensed that dreadful judgment of others and it does not feel good.  I'm thinking, "Okay, what did I do or say or whatever?" and then I choose to move on and simply push it away, usually the person does not truly know me or they have their own issues to deal with and the judgment has nothing to do with me.  Many times I have discovered, the person was simply judging themselves.  
Anyone who is close to me, understands, I'm honest, far from perfect and I'll love you for you no matter what.  I figure, if I'm going to be open, I'll get the same respect in return.

Often, it is those closest to us that will make the harshest judgement, maybe because they care, but deep down it's always about something else.  True, unconditional love, holds no judgement.  We can love our friends and family, but their life choices are their own.

One day, I ran into a mom at a function.  She looked very put out, I was thinking..."Bad day? Fight with the hubby or she's got a major problem." (Like a bug up her butt)  Is it me or the circumstances around the event?  I never found out, but for some weird reason I cared.  My husband noticed too, so I know it wasn't my imagination.  Unfortunately, I'm not that close to the mom, but maybe one day I'll know her better....people are interesting.  They fascinate me. 

"A sour puss gets remembered long after all the other smiles have faded" 'LN

My husband and I took the kids camping on Sanibel Island for Easter weekend.  We found ourselves around so many different types of people on our mini camping adventure.

We camped among friendly families and warm retired folk from up North.  We found ourselves at a church Easter egg hunt and made ourselves right at home with the locals.  We people watched at the beach, made up stories and laughed at our similar observations.  We ventured into Captiva among the rich and most likely famous residents.  We even met people who lived a few towns from where I grew up on Long Island.

It was all good and interesting no matter where we were or who we found ourselves chatting with.  The openness my husband and I share with everyone bleeds in our everyday life, creating opportunity and leading us to new things.  It's never harmed or hindered, only enhanced our lives.  My boys seem to be following our lead.  I love that about our nuclear family. 
People are good.  The more goodness you share, the more you'll ultimately receive.  One smile, one "hello," one conversation at a time.

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