Friday, April 15, 2016

Personal Growth? Say "Yes!"

Why I do what I do.

There are times it appears I'm into everything.   I'm involved to the point where I simply can't say, "No" and I'll decide to do things only because no one else jumped ahead of me and said, "Yes". 
This, however, can be a very good thing.

With each new challenge we are confronted with or choose to take on, we grow as individuals.  We can always do more and achieve more.  "Yes" always leads to personal growth.  "Yes" is positive. "Yes" pushes us forward. 

"Yes" is empowering, it motivates us to do more."

 I know many people who say, "Yes!" with confidence and they are ready to take on any and all challenges life throws at them.  They have no fear, only an optimism for success.

Those who say, "No" have excuses, judgments and find cause to disagree.  They wait for life to change for them, when all the power is within to say, "Yes!" to something new, to say 'Yes!' and foster change for growth. 

People often ask me, "How do I do, all that I do?" And I NEVER think it's too much.  I never think, "I can't".  I just do. I am often amazed at what manifests right before my eyes.  (My husband is very much the same, our marriage has become a force filled with hope, dreams and lots of change) 

Sometimes, I have absolutely no solid plan, only an idea or good intentions and step by step it all comes together.  The right people present themselves, at just the right time.  The opportunities find me. 

After an event or activity, I scan my brain to think who do I need to thank? Who came together to make this happen?  I become acutely aware of how I can make the event better and do more to find wholeness in the process.  It is all instantaneous. 

If it's simply a fun day or night out, I am simply grateful for my family or friends.  There is a special dynamic when we come together and I love this energy and the goodness it holds.  

All I do is say, "Yes" and Go!  It's empowering to watch how lives are impacted and memories are made.  

There are times I feel as If I'm not doing anything, I simply let spirit work through me.  Those who want to share the experience, trust me and laugh by my side.  Others watch on, but soon may find themselves pulled onto the journey.  It is serindepdity meshed with joy, sprinkled with love for a new experience.

On the flip side, I also, always say, "Yes" to downtime, I say "Yes" to my chill out, binge TV time, I say,"Yes" to family time and "girlfriend" time and all the goodness that makes me feel happy and content.  "Yes" to weekends away and vacations and anything that I'll regret not doing one day.

What if we all simply said, "Yes!"  Imagine the things we would achieve?

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