Monday, January 12, 2015

One Life Day at A Time

Life is not always peaches and cream.  I know this, I own this.  Those who know me personally, understand, I am the first to admit parenting is hard work, a happy marriage is a conscious effort, and not every day is easy.  However, a fine balance of the good, peppered with the hard, gives life an illusion of being pleasurable more often than not. 

My purpose for this blog is to shine a spot light on my "Rose colored glasses" as my mother would call my idealistic view of the world, when I was a little girl.  And I now think, "Why is this a bad thing?" An Optimistic view is always better than one of Pessimism.

Optimism: The Optimum Time Is Now
Pessimism: Omission of Hope with Permission

Regardless of how we choose to face the world or how we choose to live and write our personal journeys, in a positive or negative light; I will not discredit that we all have a spectrum of emotions, including feelings of fear and sadness regarding our current state. 

Why is this? And how can it be changed?

When we are upset, angry, frustrated or have feelings of being helpless or hopeless, how do we transform these negative feelings into happiness, patience, and hopefulness?  How do we transform fear into confidence?

I personally idenfty my weakness in any given day, I own it and quickly forgive myself.  I take time to understand what went wrong to escalate a situation, and immediately release (with real-ease) in order to stay present in the now. 

I continue to learn and grow and I work hard to identify the root of any difficult emotion.  It could be stress,  anxiety, frustration, but occasionally, we all need a healthy outburst.  A good cry or yell to remind ourselves we are spirits living an imperfect human experience.  

We are all gifted with tools to make life easier, not harder; and with each life lesson we are capable of being better, good and happy all the time.  We have the ability to make choices, and we are all worthy of unconditional happiness.  This stems from forgiving ourselves of yesterday's mistakes.

I turned 40 recently, and I thought, what does this mean to me?  How does this contribute to my view of the world and my own life?  I feel truly empowered.  I have come so far from where I started, yet there is so much more to come.  I consciously made a choice to live the next 40 years on my terms, with a positive, healthy force around me. 

Do we all have struggles? YES!  But, isn't how we choose to cope and learn from these struggles what changes our perspective and mind about how to live a happy life? The happiest life, One Living Day at a Time!

We all have a choice.  How will you choose yours?

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